I can't believe that it is almost October. It has been awhile since my last post and we have been busy. I'll give you a brief update on the Galvin.
Hunter: Baseball continues for him. We have been dealing with a lot of crazy weather so he hasn't played in about a week. We have been having lots of rain which soaks the field making it unplayable. HE is always going outside to throw the ball on the wall and practice his fielding. He has constantly played shortstop with a few innings at pitcher. He has a good coach and Shea (from flag football) on his team. School is going well. He got his first project due for the year. He seems to be adjusting to the increase in homework well. It helps that most of it is online.
Brody: HE isn't liking baseball. Unfortunately, he has a coach who shows up when she feels like it. Most practices, if she shows up, she is 15 minutes late and only practices for 30 minutes. He is one of the older ones on the team and the younger ones are just goofing off. He told me Sat. that he didn't want to go to the game. I told him he made a commitment and he had to go, he said "My coach doesn't go, so why should I?" We went, his coach didn't show up. One of the dads has taken over the team and youth sports is going to be calling the coach. He will hopefully enjoy it more with the new coach. Brody is not liking the increase in homework. Everything is boring to him when it comes to school. He is looking forward to Deployment Buddies (Elementary kids get paired with a HS kid who has a deployed parent and they do activities together. Hunter wants nothing to do with it.) which will be starting soon.
Joe: He was in CA for the death penalty case that he has had forever. He spent 2 weeks at Camp Pendelton. He "won" his case- if you can call it a win- his client got Life WITH Parole as opposed to death or just life. He is glad that the case is done but will miss the frequent flyer miles that he has acquired in the 4 years on the case (I guess I should be thanking Jesse for sending the boys and I home for the summer.) Joe is back in Afghanistan and will be coming to Okinawa the end of November for his 2 weeks leave. He should be here for Thanksgiving.
Gretchen: I am still working with Health Promotions and subbing at the elementary school. When I am not working, I am doing something for PTO. I am at the school all the time! Our fall fundraiser is coming up which I am in charge of. We use to do Sally Foster as the fundraiser but I found a company who does recycling bags so since I found it, I get to be in charge of it. It is called Mixed Bag Designs. I am excited to start the fundraiser.
Other than running to school, practice, games or meetings, nothing else has been happening here. We are having more typhoon warnings, I wish one would just hit and get it over with! I did get to see the ND/MSU game on Sunday morning. Of course we had to go to church so I missed the ending but am happy with the end result. Better luck next year ND!
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