Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Day in the Life of the Military Wife!

Where do I begin this blog...working out or throwing up? I'll start with the work out.

The other day I was doing the Jillian Michael's (The Biggest Loser trainer)"No More Trouble Zone" workout. This DVD was no joke! I know I could be in better shape but this thing kicked my butt. Of course, I had the peanut gallery sitting on the couch while exercising. Hunter told me that this workout was easy and he could do it. So I told him to get off the couch and try. He did. He made it look easy. I probably could have made it look easy too if I had the body fat that Hunter has. Brody was a different story. He was always giving me encouraging words, telling me I only had one more set to do, just words of wisdom by Brody. First let me start by telling you this...Jillian was wearing black spandex shorts and a blue sports bra. I was wearing black sweat pants and a green tank sports bra. Now remember, this lady is a trainer so she has muscles I didn't even knew you could have and she is thin. Brody tells me "Mom, if you would have worn your blue top, you and that lady (Jillian) would look alike!" Those were probably the best words I could have heard at that point!!

The other night, Hunter woke up and told me his stomach hurt. I looked at the clock and saw that it read 2:45am, and told him to just try and go to the bathroom. Well, at 3:30 am, Hunter threw up. I forgot to tell you that he was on the top bunk! He didn't want to get his bed dirty so he leaned over the side and threw up on the ground. Somehow Brody slept through this commotion. Joe was cleaning up Hunter so I decided to move Brody into our bed. As I woke him up he said, "Geez Hunter, you got me all wet" Apparently, when he got out of bed he stepped in a very small spot of what came out of Hunter's mouth and was mad that Hunter got him wet!! We have had no other episodes of sickness so I guess it was the 2 minute flu!

Obviously, I am not going to post a picture of the mess in the boy's room and I am certainly not going to post a picture of me exercising. No pictures this week!!

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