Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Kickball and the first day of school

The neighborhood had a big kickball game the Friday before school started. Flyers were sent out to tell about the game and lots of people joined in for the fun. We play kids vs. adults with the kids getting 6 outs and the adults getting 3. It was alot of fun and the weather cooperated too- not too hot. We even ordered pizza to have delivered to the field. I started taking pictures but then the game got intense and I could no longer safely play with a camera around my neck and a beverage in my hand (it was water people!!!)

Hunter started his first day of school on Monday, August 31. He has Mrs. Falk and seems excited about the school year. Brody doesn't start school until Sept. 8 due to the teachers doing home visits the first week of school. So there will be another post stated " The First Day of School" but this will be for Brody's first day.

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