Sunday, February 8, 2009

Church Whiz in the family

I just wanted everyone to know that we have the next prophet in our family!! Brody was at CCD this morning and they had a test. He had to answer questions that were given by the teacher (we unfortunately don't know what the questions were) if you got the answer wrong, you were out and had to sit down. Brody won all 5 rounds that were played. So as the grand prize winner, he got a pen that has Jesus on the cross and a goodie bag. He was so excited when he got in the car, he told us all about his winnings! He said that he was the only one that won a "Chesus Pen" No that is not a typo- that is how he says "Jesus". So clearly he will be highly recruited for college at Notre Dame and we will make sure that the Chesus pen goes with him!! In preparation for his advanced parochial degree, we will be sending him to Aunt Julie's Academy of Catholic Savants.

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