Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Shuri Castle

Over the long weekend, we went over to Shuri Castle. Our first adventure over there a couple months ago had us circling for about one hour trying to find a parking spot. We later found out that you never go anywhere on a Sunday (no one works that day but they work Sat.) and never drive a van because in Japan everything is small including the cars so no one had room for us. This trip we were a little better prepared and made it to the castle and in the parking garage without any problem

The castle was a history of the king of Japan and where he lived. It was all interesting. It was hot that day and the boys were not too into reading all the history signs but they liked it. They had to go around and get stamps at 12 stations in order to get a prize at the end (that might have been the only motivation for them). Unfortunately, part of the castle was under construction so the picture isn't as nice as it could be.
Brody stamping his card.
Joe carrying the bags with our shoes in them because you can't wear shoes in the castle.
For those of you who wonder where I am in the pictures, I am there, I am just always taking the pictures. I will start to hand my duties over to Joe so I can be seen in some of the pictures. Next week, Joe has a triathlon, watch for the pictures.

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